On-Farm Training
Redefining the training, developing and mentoring of those who enter into our dairy industry. Get Milking powered by Agricademy and Ange’s Agri.
Ange’s Agribusiness can deliver both online and on-farm training courses for Relief Milking and Dairy Assistant training. If you have ever considered getting your hands dirty and being a valued member of New Zealand’s leading primary industry, then we want to work with you to ensure you have the best experience.
These programmes are designed to bring you on a journey, from not knowing anything about dairy farming, to being confident with cows and the daily requirements of a farmer.
Get the dairy training you need with Get Milking!
Applying for your first job or wanting to upskill in Dairy?
Get the dairy training you need with Get Milking.
You can take online courses in becoming a:
- Relief Milker
- Dairy Assistant (includes calving)
- Calf rearing
Get Milking online videos take you through the practical, everyday tasks of milking, while the informative pdfs give you a solid grounding in what you need to know.
There are no classrooms, no campuses, and no student loans. Learn while you earn!!
Dairy Training SAMPLE Videos
Get Milking
A life in dairy starts here!
Get Milking online videos take you through the practical, everyday tasks of milking, while the informative pdfs give you a solid grounding in what you need to know.
There are no classrooms, no campuses, and no student loans. You can learn while you earn – $58,000 plus as a dairy assistant in your first year.
Choose a full course or opt for a bite-sized course (extracted from a full course) if you just want to brush up on a specific area, or dip your toe in.

Learn basic operation and safety skills – one-day practical training.
- Quad bikes
- Side by sides
- Motorbikes
- Chainsaw
- Tractors
On-Farm Training
Farm training is essential for your team. They should attend annual tailor-made courses that suit your farm focusing on health and safety, compliance, and practical skills to stay updated with regulations and ensure a safe working environment for all.
Milk Quality
Essential On-Farm Education
This comprehensive course is designed to equip dairy staff with the essential knowledge and skills needed to maintain high milk quality standards on the farm. Ensuring top-notch milk quality is crucial for the success and reputation of the New Zealand dairy industry.
Course Outcomes
By completing this course, you will:
- Understand the Importance of Milk Quality: Learn why maintaining high milk quality is vital for the NZ dairy industry.
- Stay Updated with Regulations: Gain insights into current regulations and compliance requirements.
- Master Compliance Aspects: Understand key compliance aspects, including record-keeping and processes for maintaining milk quality.
- Know Your Milk Tests: Learn about the various tests conducted on your milk and their significance.
- Operate Dairy Plant Efficiently: Understand the function and operation of a dairy plant.
- Identify Key Components: Recognize the components of a dairy plant and perform essential checks to ensure they are operating correctly.
- Differentiate Mastitis Types: Understand the difference between clinical and subclinical mastitis.
- Master the Wash Process: Learn the proper wash process for the plant and vat.

On-Farm Training
On-farm training is essential to ensure that all dairy staff are well-versed in maintaining milk quality. This hands-on approach not only enhances the practical skills of the staff but also ensures that they are up-to-date with the latest industry standards and practices. Investing in on-farm training leads to better milk quality, improved compliance, and ultimately, a stronger dairy industry.

Pasture Mangement Workshop
Half-day On-farm training – is suitable for those who need to learn how to identify faults in fence lines. This course explains how an electric fence works, how to set one up, and how to find and identify shorts. You’ll also learn how to ration out feed, pasture growth, and the importance of water. Includes online video content and hands-on training on-farm.
$250 + GST PP, Ask about group discount
Work Wise
We’ve put together a series of videos from industry experts talking about how eating well, and managing your money – all important topics to help you work smarter for a longer more sustainable career in Dairy!
Eat Wise
Find out in these short informative videos why eating well will support your career on-farm and in shed.
Eat Wise includes making small, positive changes to what you eat each day and leads to big results in performance over time. Fuel your body with nourishing foods and drinks to be on your A game every day.
Money Wise
Earning money is a big deal. We’ve made 8 short videos (each one is between 1 – 4 minutes long) to explain a few things, as it’s important to know and understand:
- what your contract means
- what types of contract there are
- how to read your payslip so you know how much you are earning and what tax you’re paying
- why you have to pay tax
- who to ask if you have a problem with contracts and pay at work
- why it’s important to let your boss know when you are sick.
It’s also good to let your boss know if you’re off sick, to ask for leave, and to put some money into savings if you can.
Eat Wise and Money Wise videos are combined into Work Wise for Dairy - Great price of $35
Eat Wise and Money Wise videos are combined into Work Wise for Dairy - Great price of $35
We’ve put together a series of videos from industry experts talking about how eating well, and managing your money – all important topics to help you work smarter for a longer more sustainable career in Dairy!
Watch the videos in any order.
Find out in these short informative videos why eating well will support your career on-farm and in shed.
To eat-wise, we need regular meals and hydration to provide us with consistent fuel over the whole day Eating well builds muscle mass, strength and stamina; helps you perform at a top level; gives you optimal energy levels and concentration to do your job well; reduces your risk of fatigue and getting sick; and improves your mood.
Eat Wise includes making small, positive changes to what you eat each day and leads to big results in performance over time. Fuel your body with nourishing foods and drinks to be on your A game every day.
Eat Wise for a long and sustainable career.
Earning money is a big deal. We’ve made 8 short videos (each one is between 1 – 4 minutes long) to explain a few things, as it’s important to know and understand:
- what your contract means
- what types of contract there are
- how to read your payslip so you know how much you are earning and what tax you’re paying
- why you have to pay tax
- who to ask if you have a problem with contracts and pay at work
- why it’s important to let your boss know when you are sick.
It’s also good to let your boss know if you’re off sick, to ask for leave, and to put some money into savings if you can.
Happy Students
Watch this short video about Training with testimonials from my past students.